Facilitator Information

You will be following a gradual release of responsibility model. Please present your knowledge in the way with which you are most comfortable.

1. App Intro (can be handled different ways) (Facilitator Intro, Volunteer Intro, Exploration)
2. Open play
- App exploration
- Focused play (how could this best be used in the classroom? in my classroom?)
3. Wrap-up, share, application, extension (what apps are similar?  What preliminary knowledge or steps might be needed?  What type of classroom use would be best?)

* Make sure the equipment is left as found (secure dongle and projector)

Ask for introductory information or tips:  Who can demonstrate one or more features of this app?  If no one, pull up a video or tutorial for people to see.

OR do 5-10 mins of open play and then sharing and then more play focused on classroom uses

Hands on time: keep in mind the following guiding questions:
  • How could I use this with my students?  What are the strengths and weaknesses of this tool?
  • How could I share what my students would make with this?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of this tool?
  • What new learning or creation opportunities does this tool offer?
  • Does this tool present any logistical challenges? (e.g. cumbersome login process, etc.)
  • What is the workflow for using this app?
  • With what other apps/tools does this integrate?

Open play (to learn how to use the app) vs Focused play (how would my students use this, what would they make, etc.)